

Maggie Charles and Diane Pecorari, Introducing English for Academic Purposes, Routledge, 2016, p.98 から引用:
A high use of noun phrases is a key characteristic of written academic discourse, as shown by Biber and Gray (2010), who find that academic writing is predominantly constructed around the use of nouns, while conversation tends to privilege verb. In particular, academic writing is characterized by its use of noun phrases, which are often premodified by adjectives (economic weakness) and nouns (an absorption spectrometer) and/or postmodified by prepositional phrases (areas of concern).
Biber and Gray (2010) が示しているように,名詞句の多用は,学術的な言説の重要な特徴だ.Biber and Gray によれば,会話は動詞を重用するのに対して,学術的な文章は圧倒的に名詞使用を中心に組み立てられている.とりわけ,学術文章は名詞句の使用で特徴づけられる.名詞句は形容詞や別の名詞を前に置いて修飾されたり(economic weakness「経済の低調さ」;an absorption spectrometer「吸収分光器」),および/または,前置詞句をうしろに続けて修飾されたりする(areas of concern「関心分野」).


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