- "Textbook coverage of this classic social psychology study has become increasingly biased," BPS Research Digest, March 25, 2015.
- Griggs, R. (2015). The Disappearance of Independence in Textbook Coverage of Asch's Social Pressure Experiments Teaching of Psychology, 42 (2), 137-142 DOI: 10.1177/0098628315569939
もとの実験では,被験者の応答のうち,63.2% は多数派に合わせず見たままを答えたのに対して,36.8% が多数派(サクラ)の間違った答えに合わせた.一貫して多数派に逆らった人は 25%,一貫して多数派に順応した人は 5% で,少なくとも1回は多数派に逆らった正解を答えた人が 95% にのぼる.つまり,社会的圧力に順応したのはけっして多くない.
Asch’s classic social pressure experiments are discussed in almost all introductory and social psychology textbooks. However, the results of these experiments have been shown to be misrepresented in textbooks. An analysis of textbooks from 1953 to 1984 revealed that although most of the responses on critical trials were independent correct ones, textbooks have increasingly over time emphasized the minority conformity responding and deemphasized the majority independent responding. An analysis of 20 introductory psychology textbooks and 10 introductory social psychology textbooks revealed that this distorted coverage has not only persisted but increased over the past 30 years. Given the entrenchment of such coverage in current texts, a suggestion for how to address this distorted coverage without major text revision is provided.
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