
"to the extent" の翻訳処理

イディオム的な構文 to the extent that S は,基本的には条件節のように訳せばいいと思ってる.「~であるかぎりにおいて」みたいな訳し方はできるだけ避けたい.

以下,自分がこれまでに訳した文章から to the extent がでてきている箇所をいくらか抜粋してみる.どれくらい他人の参考になるのかわかんないけど.

I don’t blame the editor, who after all isn’t supposed to be an economist. But this must reflect what people are hearing on the financial news; I’m pretty sure that a lot of people think that all the experts regard interest rates as “artificially low,” and have no idea that to the extent that such a notion makes any sense at all, interest rates are too high, not too low.
(Krugman, "The Meme Is Out There")

But the polling data doesn’t say anything about envy: when people say that they have lost their belief that hard work will be rewarded, they aren’t saying that they are envious of the rich; they’re saying that they have lost their belief that hard work will be rewarded. To the extent  that people have negative feelings about the 1 percent, the emotion involved isn’t envy — it’s anger, which isn’t at all the same thing.

But surely the main point is that to the extent that taxes on the 0.1 percent are high (they aren’t really, in a historical context), that’s largely because Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential election, so that President Obama’s partial rollback of George W. Bush’s tax cuts and the high-income surcharges that now partially finance health reform remained in place. It’s kind of funny that he’s claiming that our system is fair thanks to policies that he and his friends tried desperately to kill.
でも,もちろん,議論の主眼は,次の点にある―― 0.1 パーセントにかかる税が高いと言っても(歴史の文脈においてみると実はそうでもないんだけど),その理由の大半は,ミット・ロムニーが2012年の大統領選挙で負けたことにある.オバマ大統領が勝ったことで,ジョージ・W・ブッシュの減税の一部が廃止されたままになったし,高額所得の追徴金も継続してt実施され,これがいまでは保健医療改革の財源の一部になっている.なんだか可笑しい話だって思うんだけど,マンキューは自分や友達連中がやっきになって破壊しようと試みた政策のおかげで,ぼくらの制度は公平だって主張してるわけだ.

To the extent that this is a problem, I guess rules are the answer. But I wonder whether the urge to signal will just pop up somewhere else.

And France’s fiscal outlook doesn’t look at all worrying, except to the extent that it has slashed its structural deficit too much in the face of economic weakness. Bond markets, which panicked during the worst of the euro crisis, don’t seem very worried at this point.
(Krugman, "Hollande takes a wrong turn")

To the extent that an animal guards resources (e.g. territory) or gathers and hoards food, we may be able to say that it has a notion of resource (R-)value.
ある動物が資源(e..g なわ張り)を守ったり,食べ物を収集して貯蔵しているなら,その動物には資源 (R-)価値の概念があると言っていいかもしれません.
(Jackendoff, Language, Consciousness, Culture)

Again, to the extent that X's being held in esteem leads to oppotunities for cooperation, and cooperation brings X benefits, esteem is a U-good thing to have.
ここでも,X が尊敬されているとその分だけ協調行動へのさまざまな機会が開かれるようになり,協調行動は X にあれこれの便益をもたらすので,その点で評判は保持しておいて U-いいことだと言えます.
(Jackendoff, Language, Consciousness, Culture)

On the demand side, inflation reduces the problem of the zero lower bound: Nominal interest rates can’t go negative but real rates can, to the extent that modest inflation is embedded in expectations.

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