
抜粋: レイチェル・カーソンの統計的ミス

(from: Ronald Bailey "Silent Spring at 40," Reason Magazine, June 12, 2002.)

Carson was also an effective popularizer of the idea that children were especially vulnerable to the carcinogenic effects of synthetic chemicals. "The situation with respect to children is even more deeply disturbing," she wrote. "A quarter century ago, cancer in children was considered a medical rarity. Today, more American school children die of cancer than from any other disease [her emphasis]." In support of this claim, Carson reported that "twelve per cent of all deaths in children between the ages of one and fourteen are caused by cancer."
Although it sounds alarming, Carson's statistic is essentially meaningless unless it's given some context, which she failed to supply. It turns out that the percentage of children dying of cancer was rising because other causes of death, such as infectious diseases, were drastically declining.
In fact, cancer rates in children have not increased, as they would have if Carson had been right that children were especially susceptible to the alleged health effects of modern chemicals. Just one rough comparison illustrates this point: In 1938 cancer killed 939 children under 14 years old out of a U.S. population of 130 million. In 1998, according to the National Cancer Institute, about 1,700 children died of cancer, out of a population of more than 280 million. In 1999 the NCI noted that "over the past 20 years, there has been relatively little change in the incidence of children diagnosed with all forms of cancer; from 13 cases per 100,000 children in 1974 to 13.2 per 100,000 children in 1995."
それどころか,子供がガンにかかる割合はこれまで増加していない.現代の化学物質がおよぼすとされる効果に子供がとくに影響を受けやすいというカーソンの主張が正しいなら,この割合は増加していたはずだ.この論点は,おおざっぱにこんな比較をしてみると具体的にわかりやすい:1938年にアメリカの人口1億3000万人のうち癌で亡くなった14歳以下の子供は939名だった.一方,国立ガン研究所によれば, 1998年に2億8000万人をこす人口のうち,ガンで死亡した子供は1,700名だった.1999年に,国立ガン研究所はこう記している――「過去20年にわたって,種類を問わずガンと診断された子供の症例は比較的にわずかしか変化していない.1974年には子供10万人あたり13件だったのが,1995年には10万人あたり 13.2件となっている.」


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