
ピンカーのレイコフ本書評: 抜粋 #2


Lakoff's way with brain science is even more dubious. It is true that "the frames that define common sense are instantiated physically in the brain," but only in the sense that every thought we think—permanent or transient, rational or irrational—is instantiated physically in the brain. The implication that frames, by being "physically fixed" in the brain, are especially insidious or hard to change, is gratuitous. Also, cognitive psychology has not shown that people absorb frames through sheer repetition. On the contrary, information is retained when it fits into a person's greater understanding of the subject matter. Nor is the claim that people are locked into a single frame anywhere to be found in cognitive linguistics, which emphasizes that people can nimbly switch among the many framings made available by their language. When Becky shouts across a room to Liz, an onlooker can construe the event as affecting Liz, creating a message, making noise, sending a message across the room, or just Becky moving her muscles in a certain way.

The upshot is that people can evaluate their metaphors. In everyday conversation they can call attention to them, such as the deconstruction of the "time is space" metaphor in the African American snap "Your mama's so dumb, she put a ruler on the side of the bed to see how long she slept." And in science, practitioners scrutinize and debate whether a given metaphor (heat as fluid, atom as solar system, gene as coded message) accurately captures the causal structure of the world, and if so, in which ways.

Finally, even if the intelligence of a single person can be buffeted by framing and other bounds on rationality, this does not mean that we cannot hope for something better from the fruits of many people thinking together—that is, from the collective intelligence in institutions such as history, journalism, and science, which have been explicitly designed to overcome those limitations through open debate and the testing of hypotheses with data. All this belies Lakoff's cognitive relativism, in which mathematics, science, and philosophy are beauty contests between rival frames rather than attempts to characterize the nature of reality.

It undermines his tips in the political arena as well. Lakoff tells progressives not to engage conservatives on their own terms, not to present facts or appeal to the truth, and not to pay attention to polls. Instead they should try to pound new frames and metaphors into voters' brains.Don't worry that this is just spin or propaganda, he writes: it is part of the "higher rationality" that cognitive science is substituting for the old-fashioned kind based on universal disembodied reason.
この点で、政治領域におけるレイコフの助言もダメになっている。レイコフは進歩派たちにこうすすめている――じぶんたちの言葉で会話するのはやめよう、事実を提示したり真実に訴えるのはよそう、投票に注意を向けよう。そのかわりに、レイコフによれば、有権者の脳に新しいフレームや隠喩を流しこもうと試みるべきなのだという。「それって欺瞞とかプロパガンダなんじゃない?」 そんな心配はしなくていい、とレイコフは言う:これは、普遍的な脱身体化された理性にもとづくふるくさい合理性にとってかえて認知科学がもたらそうとしている「高次の合理性」なんだって。

But Lakoff's advice doesn't pass the giggle test. One can imagine the howls of ridicule if a politician took Lakoff's Orwellian advice to rebrand taxes as "membership fees." Surely no one has to hear the metaphor "tax relief" to think of taxes as an affliction; that sentiment has been around as long as taxes have been around. (Even Canadians, who tolerate a far more expansive government, grumble about their taxes.) Also, "taxes" and "membership fees" are not just two ways of framing the same thing. If you choose not to pay a membership fee, the organization will stop providing you with its services. But if you choose not to pay taxes, men with guns will put you in jail. And even if taxes were like membership fees, aren't lower membership fees better than higher ones, all else being equal? Why should anyone feel the need to defend the very idea of an income tax? Other than the Ayn Randian fringe, has anyone recently proposed abolishing it?
だけど、こんな話は、真顔で言おうとしても吹き出さずにいられないダメ助言だ。もしもどこかの政治家がレイコフのオーウェル的な助言をいれて、税金を「会員料金」として再ブランド化しようとしたら、きっと失笑の声があちこちであがることだろう。”tax relief”〔「減税」という意味だけど 字面通りに読むと「税の痛みを和らげるもの」という意味合いにとれる〕の隠喩をみみにするまでもなく、税金を苦痛だと考えることはできる。そういう気持ちは、税が世の中に登場して以来ずっとある。(アメリカよりはるかに大きな政府を許容するカナダ人だって、じぶんの税金については不平をこぼしてる。それに、「税金」と「会員料金」は、同じことを2とおりのフレームで捉えているだけではない。もしもどこかの会員料金の支払いをやめたとしたら、そこの団体はこちらにサービスを提供するのをやめる。でも、税金の支払いをやめたら、拳銃を腰に下げたお兄さんたちがやってきて、牢屋にぶちこまれてしまう。かりに税金が会員料金のようなものだったとしても、他の条件が同じなら、料金は安いほどありがたいものじゃないだろうか? そもそも所得税という考えを擁護する必要があると感じるのはどうしてだろう? アイン・ランドの熱烈なファン以外で、所得税をやめてしまおうと提案した人なんて、近年いただろうか? 

In defending his voters-are-idiots theory, Lakoff has written that people do not realize that they are really better off with higher taxes, because any savings from a federal tax cut would be offset by increases in local taxes and private services. But if that is a fact, it would have to be demonstrated to a bureaucracy-jaded populace the old-fashioned way, as an argument backed with numbers. And that is the kind of wonkish analysis that Lakoff dismisses.


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