- Derek Alexander Muller, "Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos," YouTube, March 17, 2011.
- カーン・アカデミーがやっているような科学教育動画はすばらしい.だが,Muller によれば,学習者たちはこうした動画を見て「明快だ」「わかりやすい」と好意的な感想を述べる一方で,動画視聴の前後で,そこで説明されている概念についての理解度がほとんど向上しないという.正しい考え方だけでなく,間違った考え方を動画に取り込むと,学習者は「わかりにくい」と感想を述べるが,視聴後にスコアは向上するという.
▼ カーネマン & クライン (2009)
- Kahneman D, Klein G., "Conditions for intuitive expertise: a failure to disagree," American Psychologist, September 2009, Vol.64, No.6.
- 専門家の直観と専門知識は,ほんとうに優れている場合もあればたんに自信過剰なだけの場合もある.両者をわかつ条件はなんだろうか.
This article reports on an effort to explore the differences between two approaches to intuition and expertise that are often viewed as conflicting: heuristics and biases (HB) and naturalistic decision making (NDM). Starting from the obvious fact that professional intuition is sometimes marvelous and sometimes flawed, the authors attempt to map the boundary conditions that separate true intuitive skill from overconfident and biased impressions. They conclude that evaluating the likely quality of an intuitive judgment requires an assessment of the predictability of the environment in which the judgment is made and of the individual's opportunity to learn the regularities of that environment. Subjective experience is not a reliable indicator of judgment accuracy.