



ためしに,実際のレポート (pdf) を見てみよう (pp. 20-21):

In Japan, aggressive monetary policy easing - the first arrow of Abenomics - has helped lift inflation and inflation expectations, and actual and expected inflation are progressing toward the 2 percept target. Communication by the Bank of Japan has been effective, but more could be done to help anchor expectations, including clarifying the indicators used to assess whether inflation is on track. This effort would also help guide expectations when a need arises to adjust the asset purchase program and facilitate preparations for eventual exit. Should actual or expected inflation stall or growth disappoint, further action by the Bank of Japan would be warranted - but it would be essential that such action be accompanied by complementary growth-enhancing reforms, partly because of potential risks to financial stability. On the fiscal front, given very high public debt, implementation of the second consumption tax increase is critical to establish a track record of fiscal discipline but is likely to take a toll on domestic demand, underscoring the importance of a pickup in confidence and investment. 


"In Japan, the decline in domestic demand following the increase in the consumption tax was larger than expected."

IMF "World Economic Outlook: Legacies, Clouds, Uncertainties," October, 2014.
(ここでは英語版PDFを参照した: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2014/02/pdf/text.pdf)

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